The Valles Family

North Caicos

Grand Turk

South Caicos

Formerly mayor's house (top floor), with jail (bottom floor)

2018 Ministry:

2018 Reflections of God's grace:
1. we moved to Turks and Caicos, assisting Pastor Harris at Trinity Baptist Church.
2. started a Friday night youth group.
3. took over the Sunday AM song leading, and playing guitar for all services.
4. soulwinning and visiting
5. started youth group choir
6. started youth Sunday School class
7. discipleship course, and had student teach a Sunday School class upon his completion of the course.
8. Vacation Bible School
9. devotions in 4 public school every month
10. preaching on Sunday nights
11. trained teenagers to lead others to Christ, and have them participate on Saturday mornings.
12. took over the church in pastor's absence
13. assisted with the van route when needed
14. assisted with church grounds maintenance
15. held an island-wide youth activity
God has been magnified through it all. This could not have happened without the grace of God. Because of Christ, sinners were saved, and believers grew.
"All God wants is surrender". - Unknown
"God doesn't call the qualified. God qualifies the called". - Christine Caine
"No Reserves" - William Borden
"He is no fool to give what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" - Jim Elliot
"He must increase, but I must decrease" - John 3:30
"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" - Philippians 1:21
January 2017 Ministry on North Caicos